Why I Fasted Instagram
If you have been following me on Instagram (@joycehadiwibawa), you may have noticed that I decided to quit using Instagram for 21 days. But why Instagram? I wanted to make it intentional to part with something that meant a huge amount to me. Although it may not seem like a very big deal to many, those who know me well would know that this was no easy challenge, as I had an unhealthy addiction towards Instagram.Instagram has brought many positive effects to my life, it was my main source of inspiration and information about the new trends, places to go and happenings around the world were so easily accessible. However, it also made me feel insecure at times, I constantly felt drained and discouraged when I would compare myself to other’s- many times what they had that I didn’t, be it in looks, fame, worldly success etc.
I was becoming fixated over the constant comparison and I realised it wasn’t a healthy obsession for me. So, after contemplating it for a while, I decided to completely cut Instagram out of my life for 21 days.
I must admit that the first week of the fast was tough. Despite being logged out of my account, I was constantly tempted to scroll through my feed to catch up with the latest events and news. But at the same time, I couldn’t believe how clear my head was and how much time I had to do other things other than fixating it on my phone. Instead, I could focus on what really mattered in my life and it was a tremendously good experience with some useful takeaways.
So here are 4 takeaways from my fast:1. The importance of quality time.Having cut out the one app that took up most of my spare time, I used that time to have more intentional quality time with friends and family- this led to deeper conversations and even carving out time to play board games or chatting for hours over coffee and tea.2. Take time to unplug.My constant attachment to technology meant I didn’t have any real resting time. I was constantly checking for notifications and stressing over new updates. The fast made me realise I should schedule at least a couple hours a week to take a time out of my devices and disconnect from all the cyber responsibilities.
3. Find balance.AKA use with moderation so that it doesn’t affect your health and wellbeing.4. Be present.Instead of being easily distracted by who liked my latest post or what other people were up to, I could be present in conversations with friends, families or stranger, especially in events when it forces me to strike up a new conversation with people. Have you ever done any kind of fast? Let me know in the comments below about your experience.
Photography by Ross Vickers
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