How To Achieve Success In The Workplace
First, before we jump into any conclusion, I would like to address that success can be measured in many various ways. How people define success can be based on the extent to which they have accomplished their goals or purposes. Although this is something I personally wrestle with in the workplace, I have also learnt a few ways on achieving success through my own experiences and would like to share some with you as well. As you scroll through, I hope this can give you some insight into what you could do to succeed in your career and life!Turn A Challenge To An OpportunityRichard Branson has suggested that “By turning challenges into opportunities, you will find success you never realised you were capable of achieving. But you won’t always succeed. In fact, you will fail time and time again. That’s ok though, because failure is an inevitable part of every personal and entrepreneurial journey.”
Celebrate Small VictoriesA series of small victories can help your persistence and determination; however big or small your achievements are, they deserve to be celebrated. So don’t be too hard on yourself with how big or fast your success needs to be achieved, it’s also a journey you should enjoy!
Dress For SuccessIt can be very empowering to wear something you feel confident in. Dressing well everyday can make you not only look but feel the part as well. This doesn’t have to be a power suit if your workplace is more casual. A well put together outfit or a pop of colour on your clothing or makeup like a hint of red lipstick can go a long way.
Seek Constructive FeedbackWhen receiving constructive feedback from your boss, mentors or people you love; Make sure to ask yourself these questions: How can I use this feedback to help me or my team improve? and Putting my personal feelings aside, what can I learn from this alternate perspective? Doing so balances emotions with reason and can help you evolve a negative experience into a positive one.
Stay OptimisticAs Richard Branson once wrote, “Your incurable optimism will lead to great heights – both in business and in life. As the famous Dr Seuss wrote, “Oh, the Places You'll Go!” Reach for the moon – it’s yours for the taking, if you go out there and grab for it with both hands!
I hope you could resonate with some of these tips. Here’s a quick question for you, how to you define success?
This post was done in collaboration with Met-Code.Photography by Ross Vickers
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